Hi jrgieg and Welcolme
Have you Tried Cimzia ?
Aparently that while its a TNF Blocker it works Diffrently to Humira
i Didn't try it - Chickened out after the Bad Hassels i had with Humira
i know what you mean about wanting the control , but i Guess if you have confidance in your Rhumy
she has your best intrest at heart so wouldn't put you at harm
Hay Rinky-Dink Hot Tub Sounds Good - you know "Marital Relations" Releases Endorfins Hence Lessens Pain
that is if you can get over the Pain and obsticals RA presents,
Not that i would know anymore im in the too far gone Group for that now
But Hot Tub or Spa would be nice there is even a Mat you can get to put in a normal bath tub it acts as a spa ok it defeats the idea you had of sharing,