I need help! I have had RA for over 15 years and we have decided to try to get pregnant. I have been talking to my doctor and I was doing so well that we decided to only take Remicade. I was taking remicade, methotrexate and Celebrex as needed. It's been three months that I have been off methotrexate. My IUD will be removed the first of next month. Well this last month my joints have really started to flare up. My doctor is now concerned and we talked about
my options. So we decided that I should start cimzia but my insurance will not cover it till I try humira or enbrel. I have been reading a lot and now I am so nervous. I'm 38 years old and besides my RA I am pretty healthy. I have been working out and taking prenatal pills in hopes that I do get pregnant. Which one should I take?