Hi again, Jennie! Glad you found my post (I have many)! My mom died 2 yrs ago now in June, she was 53. She fought lung cancer for 2 and 1/2 yrs before dying... hers also went to her brain at one point, but the radiation shrunk the tumors down enough for them to go away. The cancer in her lungs and a rare side effect from a cancer medication was what killed her.
Wow, we really do relate to one another, huh! I'm soo sorry you struggled so much with seeing your mom suffer... it's an awful awful thing that's beyond words
I never had to be in a foster home though, so sorry you experienced that!!!
I've been writing since I was 11, I would say. My poetry is my pride and joy! Gotten me through so many terrible times. It literally has helped save my life. I have a livejournal with all of my poetry thus far (or with a majority of it anyway)... if you're ever interested in reading it, just let me know! It is deeply depressing though and very emotionally-raw, not sugar-coated at all... it isn't for everyone. But if you're into that, I promise you'd love it!
I don't write poems often all of the time- I go through months where I can't get into the mind-frame in order to write. I have very severe moods that last for months at a time, and sometimes, I just don't write. But... I can't picture my life without ever doing it. I will always be a writer.
CAROLE-- Dear,
I hope I don't ever HAVE to be on meds though. I don't like them
. My body has bad reactions to everything I put in it; many allergies, too-- I often experience rare side effects, and it's scary! I may not even have RA, I don't know yet. But if I do, do you really have to be on medication? Is that the only option?
I wish I could legally use medical marijuana, honestly! But not in this state...
My fingers have been a bit more flexible again lately (only as of the past 2 days)- they don't look as much like claws... but god, do they still hurt horribly!!!! I don't know what to think...
I'm so glad I have everyone on here at least