I started on Plaquinel and lost 30 lbs in 12 months; next was Enbrel took a while to kick in but I stayed on it for over 7 years. After the enbrel I tried Orencia and I go canker sores by the dozen, lasted through 4 treatments. Alot of the biologicals give me canker sores. The rheumatologist said he couldn't help me so I switched to a wonderful intellegent young doctor that said he would never give up on me! Next was Remicade. I thought I was doing well on it arthritis wise, but I started having memory problems, that almost got me fired, thank goodness my boss lady was married to a doctor and she figuired it out. I have also tried Rixtuan, which worked well for about a year and a half, once you adjust to the 6 hour infusions. Tried Actemera with no luck, then came Cimzia. It did not work for me at all after 3 months. So now I am trying Xeljanz, so far so good. The pain has lessen and I can work more.
The thing with these drugs is the time you have to deal with the side effects and wait for them to kick in. If you are thinking of switching go on the net and read up on it. Check other formus and see what others have to say. I have come to terms, for now, that I will never be pain free. If I can make it all day at work and then come home and take the drugs then I view it as a good day and I am thankful for that! Let me know how you are doing. good Luck and I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.