I was diagnosed with seronegative RA/inflammatory arthritis in mostly my hands and feet a few years ago by a Mayo doc. Another doc thought I had an overlap or mixed connective tissue dz. since I also have morphea (scleroderma of the skin only.
I was curious if anyone felt that plaquenil helped their RA symptoms of joint pain, swelling and also fatigue? It didn't seem to work for me a few years ago and I went off. I've had a lot of long term remission but now it's back. I have a script for it but can't decide if I want to start it again. I have to take the name brand which is $100 a month for me. The generic tears my stomach up. I've got to make an appt with my former rheumy that's 3 hours away. Ugh! The rheumy in my current town retired. They weren't that great anyway. Thanks!!!