Poppie, sorry to hear that you failed MTX but I hope that the lueflenomide works for you. I was on it for a little while but had some bad problems with it and my stomach which I have other problems with that makes it a challenge taking oral meds. I was bummed because it was helping so I hope you can tolerate it and that it gives you some relief.
I was really happy to see that our bulbs are coming up. That lifts my spirits always
Also, I have been puttering around in the yard a bit as often as I can. I have a tool I use to pull weeds so I spend a little time as often as possible trying to get ahead of the weeds in my yard. I decided to let the moss have its way and have stopped fighting it. Up here in WA if you are in the shade you will have moss and lots of it.
I found a guy who will come out and till our garden as well as clear some brush and blackberries away for a reasonable price too. So I am looking forward to that. Its hard to accept that I can't do that kind of thing anymore but I am sure grateful that God is providing some help
As far as the counseling goes I still have yet to meet with anyone. It seems that getting a referral and getting in to see one is like trying to see a rheumatologist. So in the meantime, I have started spending more time in prayer each day. So, if anyone ever needs some prayers said for them just say the word and I will be glad to include you in mine.
Hoping everyone is well, -Don