I was diagnosed by a regular MD to have RA on the second visit with him. When I look back, I realise he based it solely on the fact that I had Ra factor of 275 I had (and have) lots of problems with my bones, hips, knees, spine, neck. BUT, I have never had any joint swelling. I was started on Plaquenil, and I kept taking it although I never noticed any improvement. I had lots of low-grade fevers, hurt alot where I mentioned earlier, and have felt malaised, fatigued and sick in general with only a day here and there that I consider "symptom free"!
This doc. did not listen much and dismissed me, so I sought another doc in hopes that I would get a refferral to a Rheumy to find out what KIND of arthritis I have. Did it happen? Not I live in a small town too, and access to any decent care is many miles away. I find it hopeless to be this out of shape all the time, and I really don't think I have RA at all! RA factor can show during inflammation in general. I DO believe I have a really bad case of OA, I had problems for many years. As I have researched, it appears to me that I most likely have AS, or IBD with complications in combination w/OA. Don't you think it would be reasonable that I get a refferral to a rheumy? No x-rays have been taken or anything ince diagnosis in August. Another RA factor reading of 250 something a couple of weeks ago, despite Plaquenil. I think the Plaquenil makes things worse, especially if it's not RA. I have lost faith in doctors this route of ignorant docs who doesn't listen and are not experts in the field. I have neurological problems in my arms since 3 years back, probably from neck pain that I had for years. A fiery acid pain where I loose strength in my arms, whisking the gravy hurts after only 30 seconds, my arm sort of drops from a fiery painful fatigue. I could probably use a neuro too. I called the only 2 ones in town, and I can only get help via refferral, and they will ony do "consultation" with the regular MD, something I doubt mine will even get into.
Does it all sound blah, to you ? I am tired of trying to get thru to docs (3 in the past 2-3 years), should I really have to move to a bigger city just to get help? Any input on my "misdiagnosis"? LOL!