Welcome Aurora & Best Wishes while on Enbrel. A good thing I can say about it is that it got me through a year of nursing school & was able to finish. So it did do a world of good for my RA for a while.
Seems to be that the 50mg single syringes cause more reactions like you describe. There are 25mg syringes twice weekly that have an acidity weeker than the 50mg's. When the solute is injected not deep enough....it can dwell in the uppermost skin layer, thus cause itching/redness/burning. This also can last 3 to 5 days as well. But itching,erythema,burning,pain are what an injection site reaction is. You can apply a cool pack to the site after for 10 minutes or even before the injection. (this will constrict the blood vessels and prevent some of the reactions).
Where are you currently injecting? The abdomen is a very soft and safe area and I've noticed that my Humira injections (which STING) are the best in the abdomen and do not bruise/swell/turn red.
Headaches YES...that is common. Cool compresses to the head, ice packs, darkness, and even a little caffeine may help. Tell the Dr. too!
There runs a risk of chronic sinus and respiratory issues on Enbrel. Mostly are just annoying and benign...but again, tell the doc. I take it you have had Xrays and TB tests? If you start to get a hacking dry cough or green mucus you need to see a doc. You don't have asthma or COPD do you?
Oh...also, if you are sensitive or allergic to LATEX....that could be the cause of the skin issue! And Latex allergies can cause throat problems (tight, swelling, pain).
But to put your mind at ease, all of the things you describe are indeed side effects and expected reactions from Enbrel.
A tip: after you inject all of the Enbrel, let the needle remain in place without moving it for another 10 seconds. This will prevent the med from leaking & causing irritation and from spilling into the upper skin layers.
@ your next doc visit, do mention the respiratory symptoms.
Good to have you @ HW & welcome again!!!! Best wishes.