yes, it is definitely worth pushing for. Ides & Ducky are so very right. doctors have pull...they may deny it, but they do. (it's just the matter of putting in a few minutes of time and paperwork).
they can call you insurance company.
also, Enbrel & Humira have assistance programs where if you are denied coverage after doing everything in capabitlities...they will help pay for the injections at little to no cost. but most likely, if you do have medical insurance & a will be covered. it'll take a little fight though.
folks go through several medicines. it might take trying a few and giving each some time. they all work a little differently.
just because one has a severe allergic reaction, doesn't mean the others will do the same.
remember, Remicade is going RIGHT INTO YOUR VEINS! that's direct bioavailablity. all direct infusions run a risk of danger. heck...even a bag of normal saline!....if it is not primed correctly...a person can get an embolism!
we're rooting for you! take good care.