awe, dear andrea:
yeah, that is symptoms of inflammation. heat, redness, pain, throbbing, swelling.
like right now, both ankle & feet feel "baked" and have been having worsening issues with the RA progressing to the feet & ankles. feels like all the little bones are cracking & broken when 1st walking in the morning and throughout the day. and i am NOT on my your pain i can imagine is tremendous.
good thing is that at least YOU ARE ON SOMETHING. mtx is good. better than nothing ya know?
but an additive dmard or immunosuppressant or nsaid or all 3 can be added to help you.
so who do you see? a regular GP or a rheummy?
oral antirheumatics shouldn't be a problem when you get your insurance straightened out. Arava, Plaquenil, Cyclosporine, Imuran, Minocycline are all options you can talk about. even Enbrel, Humira, Kineret, and the 2 new bio injections may be covered too (there's money assistant programs if a person cannot afford the injectables).
you're not alone hon. (((((( big hug )))))))))
write back when you feel alirght.