What I learned about reflexes is that they usually have to do with nerve impulse transimissions to the spinal cord. From what I was told, an absent ankle reflex is usually associated with problems in the L5/S1 area. When you say the front part of your ankle was tested, do you mean on the top of the foot where it bends up & down? If so, it just may be a false test to see how you react to it.
I've had all those reflex tests and have a non-existant right knee reflex and barely one in the left, but my ankles seemed okay. I do have spinal stenosis in L1/L2, L2/L3, L3/L4, and L4/L5 as well as herniated and torn discs in those areas; and the knee reflex tests for abnormaltities relating to the L3 and L4 areas. I've had the same results from 2 physicians and 1 physical therapist & the PT said it's consistant with the L4 area. But abnormal reflexes can also be due to other conditions such as diabetes, thyroid problems, muscular condtions (and probably many other things - of course I'm not a doc so I'm only stating what I have learned & been told).
Did the doc say anything to you regarding that front of the ankle test?