starrnr said...
I was at the foot surgeon's office yesterday. I have a bad bunion and bone spurs on my left foot that needs to be removed and we were discussing surgery. Ok, that's fine. Here's the problem -- because I'm on Remicade & MTX, which as we know lowers our immune system, the surgeon feels that I need to be off of work (and my foot) for 4 weeks. Uh, hello? I had this same surgery done 20 years ago (right foot) and I was back to work (funky wooden shoe included) within a week. I told him that. His response was, you weren't on these medicines then. When did my medicines start defining me and my health? I haven't been sick, my blood tests come back just fine, etc.
My rheumy told me that I would have to stop the MTX 3 weeks before surgery -- fine, I can do that. I just had my infusion last week, so I'm covered there. I don't get it -- I've never had a problem healing or with infections and what makes them think that would change, even with these med's? I slammed my finger in the car door a few weeks back -- went to the doctor (gal's I worked with made me, thought I needed stitches), it healed within 2 weeks, no stitches, no infections, it's fine.
Purely rhetorical question here -- if I was to totally stop all med's...period, would my immune system ever recover?
We also noted that my AS has attacked the joint at my big toe (since my right foot is not affected the same way, its not my RA), biologics and MTX notwithstanding. So what's the point of me taking this stuff anyway?
I did get the surgeon down to 2 weeks minimum off my feet, but still...I think he's way overboard in concern. Am I being too naive here? I'm so upset about all of this, totally knocked me sideways. I'm supposed to call him back today with a yes/no on the surgery date. I'm so conflicted about all of this.
Geez, I hope some of this rambling and ranting made sense. My apologies if it didn't.
Thanks for listening...
Listen to the doc, it's harmless.
Docs have shown many times that they do not know what they do, but I think this issue is harmless. I beleive nothing worst can happen if you just listen him/her.