Hallo. I usually post on AP and was a moderator for about
a year. I hope you don't mind me asking for advice and opinions about
my problem. I have been on Effexor for a year and have been experiencing worsening joint pains, especially in the morning. Basically, my ankles are the worst - it is a real ouch, oooh ouch when I first get up but I have pain in my jaw, neck, shoulders, elbows, fingers, knees and toes. I know this is a side effect of the Effexor. I do not want to stop taking the drug as it has literally saved my life. As the day goes on the pain lessens but if I wear heeled shoes, do a bit of gardening, some ironing, - nothing strenuous - the next day the joints I have used really hurt.
So my question is..... would this inflammation be classed as arthritis? I have considered taking glucosamine - is this a good idea and has it helped anyone?
Thank you all in advance.