Dear Sarah ~
Every single word in your post could very well have been written by me! Incredible! YES! It causes redness and swelling that is visible and felt on palpation, that is the very distinguishing factor against general Costo. That's when they call it Tietze's syndrome. It is the only distinguishing characteristic as far as I have been told. Some folks can get Chronic Costo, where they have "flares" off and on of the "pain" of the inflammation, but NO visible swelling or redness.
I'm not really yelling when I make a word all caps, I'm just emphasizing it! LOL
Mine is at an ALL TIME HIGH as far as pain goes this week. I'm flaring fibro side and tietze's totally sux, all because of a little bit of stress late last week.
I sure hope you get some relief hon. I am using the heck outta my BioFreeze rub and yepper, my hand is nearly always on my chest (in public and in private! LOL) because of how cold my hands are and how good that feels on the inflamed area! The areas of swelling have increased (meaning how far they puff up off the chest wall) to about an inch, inch and a half maybe. It feels like 2 grapefruits are being crushed into my chest, one on the right, one on the left, which is rare for me to be flaring on both sides at the same's usually only one side. Lucky me.
Anyway, that's what started all this posting again, as I had gone to the ER to get the steroid injection because of the swelling and it had just the opposite affect on me and I ended up swelling worse in more joints.
Hope all that made sense, I'm pooped too!
Let me know how you are and please remember you're in my prayers for God to take this away!!!!