Posted 10/29/2007 11:03 AM (GMT 0)
I am wondering what you do when you can not work. These dr. Bills are killing me. Diagnosed in april with ra. I have tried mtx,arava, and both made me very sick. I am on 2000mg of sulfasaline(sp) don't see any relief hands ,feet shoulder hip to die for. I had some vision changes 2 weeks ago. Whent to opthamalagist 13 years ago I had a psudo tumor that is a mock tumor that makes you get fluid on the brain. Well it came back and the fluid has pushed on my optic nerve in the right eye I lost 40% of my vision it drives me crazy. I lost my job due to missing work. Very depressed about it every time you go to the dr. $200 plus. My insurance does not cover office visits. This is the only insurance I can get. Any advice what to due.