Hello everyone, I was looking for support for my son who was dx with UC, and I came across this forum and so glad I did. I was feeling very low and depressed. But reading through all the posts, I'm am feeling so much better.
I was DX with RA four years ago, I tried cleaning my body, I ate only fruits and veg and water, for 6 months. I was determined not to go on meds. I lost 20 lbs that I could not afford to lose and I was still in pain, I tried the antibiotic route next and still in pain.
Next I tried Plaquenil and a few other things, then MTX which I hated ,it worked awhile.
Then I tried to do the naural thing again, being in pain the whole time. I went to the Drs one day crying I was in so much pain I could hardly walk, he sat me down and said what kind of life did I want pain free or medicine free, I had to weigh it out. I went back on MTX and a combination of others and it worked, I had my life back. I can walk and even work full time now. I was able to get off the MTX and now I am on enbrel and it has kept me pain free for a year now. It has been a long 4 years trying to get the right meds to work.
Now I'm reliving it again with my son and having a terrible time and awful guilt that I did something wrong, I know I didn't but thats how I feel. Any ways enough of that, thanks for