do you take the shots every other week? Have you been on them for 3 months already? With me it was a gradual improvement.
A while ago, I had to skip a couple of shots because I had a fever and when I was off the Humira I realized how much better I felt when I was taking it. If you've been on it for three months and haven't noticed any improvement maybe it would be best to try something else. Guess we have to rely on our doctors advice. There are some new TNF meds out there now too so maybe your rheumy will want you to switch to one of them. We're all different so what works for me might not work for you. I have a feeling there will come a point when the Humira doesn't work for me anymore and I'll probably have to experiment with something new.
I hate being a guinea pig with these new drugs as they all have such serious side effects and we never know if our bodies will acept them or not. With me it's a quality of life issue. I decided the risks were worth a chance to live a more normal and less painful life.
I hope you find some relief soon.