The MRI showed 3 bad discs in my neck. After traction, braces, etc. the Ortho sent me to a neurosurgeon (frankly I don't think he knew what to do with me at this point). He said he really didn't think the discs were bulging enough to cause my problem. The neurosurgeon said the same thing. The neuro is the one who referred me to the RA. I had the appt with the Rhuematologist last Monday and he says it isn't carpal tunnel. He gave me a shot in the elbow which has helped me to be able to lift things and use my arm a little more but I still have pain. The RA pressed on the pressure points to see if it is fibromyalgia, which it isn't. After running me throught some general arm movements, etc. he sent me to the hospital again for Xrays on my elbows and hands. I also had alot of blood drawn while I was there. I commented on the fact that they were filling about 7-8 vials of blood. The technician said there were a lot of things checked on my orders. The RA never mentioned an EMG. I go back in 3 weeks for the results. He did ask a lot of questions about whether rhuematoid ran in the family. As far as I know, no one in the immediate family has ever had it.'s back to the waiting game.