I know I've been missing for a while. Got caught up with work etc and been feeling so good, so easy to not look in.
So how are you going? Did you get to see another specialialist or is it in the too hard basket?
Are you still off the mtx? How are you feeling?
Just been wondering about you.
I managed to get off the dreaded prednsone, carefully weaning myself 1 mg per week and 2 weeks off it completely and I flared!!!
So now I'm on a 3 day mega dse and will probably end up right where I started! very depressing plus my rheumy said I was a severe case of RA and would find it hard to stabalise without prednisone. How awful is that to hear?
Any way I will talk to her again, there has to be someway I can get off it, step up my fish oil consumption or something.
Sitting here wondering if I expect too much from my meds? Are we suppose to be always in pain? I don't know, life can look pretty bleak at times.
But I have been so incredibly good this year, I'm determined one small flare will not bring me down.
Best wishes, hope your joints are behaving themselves, golitho