Weary here :)
You have a valid concern old house and people's opinions are just that- you should not worry about asking this question here.
Yes- my doctor is very against alcohol consumption and taking MTX.
Prior to RA I had a martini nightly and probably 2 on the weekend days and maybe some wine too. That's me and I don't care who likes it or not.
I cut out my week day drinks and curtailed the usual for the weekends but continued to drink then and was upfront and honest with my dr. This infuriated him but I think he against alcohol period for anyone. he has said he never had a drink til he was in his 30's and only sips a little wine if anything. So be it- I don't judge him- that's his business but boy oh boy don't judge me!
Anyway- for 3 years my liver functions were always in the normal range regardless. We did a test with taking me off of MTX for a few weeks to see if it was what was causing my fatigue. It was during that time that my liver function elevated SLIGHTLY. They were in the 40 range. Well he threw a fit. He said stay off and we will test again. Few weeks later they were down but not normal. Few weeks later they were normal.
HOWEVER he decided since my blood work (crp, esr) had been so good for so long and since although I have daily BEARABLE pain I do not really flare and that I should stay off of MTX. That's what he said but I think he may have other reasons.
In any event- I am in my glory! I do not feel any different off the MTX then I did on. I don't have to have stabbing guilt anytime I lift a cocktail to my lips. he had me hating myself for being a social drinker and enjoying time with my friends doing so.
I can't really give you advice because I don't know the true answer to how harmful it is. I wish they would do a study on it because it's been in use for over 25 years and I AM SURE there are many of us out there who want to know. RA takes enough away from us that if we can safely enjoy cocktails we should know about it!
I see him this week and I dread my visit. He really did turn my symptoms around as I presented as the most severe case he has ever seen. I loved him then but now he just makes me feel bad about myself. Whether it be me wanting cocktails or me not being totally happy with the symptoms that have remained.
I wish you ALL the best!