Hi Jovigirl it really hurts me each time i see so many other people in same boat in Pain i have also pain in hands try
opening a soft drink bottle lid or a door handel get a shooting pain and weakness cant count how many things ive broken by dropping them after pain i do feel for you and hope you feel bit better soon as for pain killers i use opiates Tramadol and Endone and cortisone injections there is a wonderful treatment for hands i found when at rehab some years ago,bit messy but worth it you may need help to do it. from chemist you buy parifin wax,you'll need enough to fully cover hands so buy enough and in a slow cooker , crock pot or some low heat device melt it till its hot but not Burning you hotsoak hand take out then re soak to build up a coating repeat this 3-4 times then wrap in plastic wrap and a towel or cloth leave for 10-15 minuts till cold & set then peel off WOW you will feel the differance, you replace the wax in pot so can reuse.you will also have silky smooth hands for next few days And try to limit your harm to hands think plan try to not do things you can put off or use helping aids eg tap
openers or autmatic can
openers etc .i also find crawling up in a ball and crying also helps
but then you have to get up and go do something you like.