Hi yes Take Care i was on Plaquinil First and after a few weeks i got a sore throat then a Temprature thinking i just had a cold i ignored it then 2 days latter - i ended up in Hopital was delirious ended up Very sick with 42c (107 f)Temp and a Mouth/throat full of ulcers i was on an iv drip could not drink for days, Took a long time to recover even when i was well i had ulcers in mouth for months.
So im not saying this will happen to you and i was told it dosnt happen often, But just Keep a watch if you do get a temprature or symptoms of a cold/flu dont do what i did and ignore it .
As for getting immune to the drugs we do have to change drugs and doses what works for a while will then slow down so we change or up the dose or go on diffrent drug for a while then back on it, you will get Sick of hearing this Statment but EveryOne is Diffrent.