Hi yes this is a problem i think i mentioned a little while ago about
fingers swaying or bending, early on i was given some hand excersizes buy the OT i think these helped keep them good for a long time
i'd definatly get them checked out
it's hard to describe the excersizes but heres some;
- lay hand flat on table then one by one move each finger to the right(by their own power dont physicaly pick them up) and actually slide them rather than a pick up lift across, till all across a little way then move them back one by one
- then again hand flat and make a scoop up bring fingers sliding up till hand forms a v on table
- and the easiest touch each finger to thumb then back so index finger to thumb till little finger to thunb then reverse little finger to thunb then ring finger etc like you are druming
Good Luck and pop in to your Doctor so you can catch any change early