Hi another Welcolme
it is Like a Death the old you Dies and a new you is born
you might have days where you can play but you must take care Not to Over Do it
or the Next day will be bad
and then the hard thing is people see you and say but yesterday you were fine i saw you play?
i have had RA & Autoimune for possibly 30 years now and for the past 20 years it has been here full no remissions
i tried to fight it and tried to get the "old me" back but i find now if i accept who i am now
and i Do Not mean give up i mean change walk dont run, plan your day or week
if you want to go out tomorrow do Nothing today then nothing the day after
and as for friends and family well they will or will not accept you but at the end of day
it is You that lives with this and those closest to you so try not to worry about pleasing others
Ha says me who has at times cried for the old me on this forum !!
Take Care