Hi all,
I'm 31 and have had fibromyalgia for 10 years. I'm managed it with meds, but now I'm having knee issues. It seems different than any pain with fibro i've had with the knees. A couple weeks ago, my left knee started to hurt. I thought it would go away, but it started to hurt more. It seems now that my other knee is starting to hurt a little. I don't have any other joint issues, and I'm not even sure it's the joints or what, but something leads me to believe this is arthritis starting up. I'm soooo scared! My mind is spinning out of control about
all of the "what if's"! I'm going to make an appt to see a rheumy and gets tests. Does anyone here have both conditions?? How are you managing the pain? All I keep reading is progression of the disease! I'm truly scared and am already battling anxiety and depression. I'm on an antidepressant right now and and take xanax almost everyday lately because of my other issues.
Someone please help and tell me it does get better if this is in fact arthritis, or RA....
Thanks for listening