Don't worry about
the whining we all do it here and none of us minds! Thats what so great about
this site. Look as far as how long goes, it really depends on the severity of your condition. I have a severe form of RA and my damage despite all the meds imaginable being thrown at me turned up within 2 years.
My rheumy's whole aim is to minimise it. But now I seem to be levelling out a bit. We have had the best summer in Sydney and my joints have for once in their RA life been quite happy, as long as I didn't over do it I had a pretty good run. My first ever.
Now the weather is cold and damp and I am back to my early morning stiffness and aches and pains of elbows, wrists, feet etc. But I still seem to be ok. I haven't flared for at least 6 months.
So I guess what I'm saying is with good care its very possible to get your condition under some sort of control. Some people respond faster than others, it all depends on your med cocktail and what works for you.
So keep your head up, take a day at a time and believe that eventually your rheumy will find that magic mix that works for you.
Best wishes, golitho