I have a label for you. VERY BRAVE WOMAN. To endure what you do everyday with your disease is Heroic. You are always so upbeat and trying to help others, when you could use some TLC yourself.
A label is just that... doesn't matter how people label you, you know that without those meds, you could not funtion.
I am one that HATES pain meds (you know about my past, when my children were small) but when I hurt, I take them. Does that mean I am an When I take my heart meds every day, does that mean I am an
I am not exactly sure how this got turned into a debate here, from answering a question about pain meds, but YES, there is a big difference.
An addict will do just about anything to get a pill, shot, whatever to make them high. Help them escape from their problems, life whatever it is they do not want to face. Although most addicts do have their "drug of choice" most will take whatever they can get their hands on, and do not care who they hurt in the process.
They will use all the money they have to get the "fix" they need, no matter if they can not pay the rent, feed the children, have things like power, water..A lot of them do not even have a home because the rent money went for drugs.
A person with a debilitating disease such as most of us have,,,our label is DEPENDENT. We depend on the drugs that we take to allow us to sit, walk, stand, in some cases, the meds only give us enough relief to be able to lie in bed and breathe, but we depend on these drugs to allow us to do that. Without them, we would have no quality of life whatsoever, and even for some of us, we still have poor quality of life.
I was afraid of getting addicted to some of the drugs I have been put on. My husband told me.."So what, if you do you do, you have to do whatever is necessary to live". And he is right.
There are far to many labels in our society today, and yes someone may label me an addict. So be it. I say to them,,"come walk an hour in my shoes, then label me, if you must".