Hi Peggy,
Sorry to hear the orencia didn't work for you. I just had my first orencia infusion a couple of weeks ago, and so far it's ok. I was on orencia before and it does work for me, but it also caused basal cell carcinoma on my lower leg. I went off it, got treated for the skin cancer, and was reluctant to go back on it because of that side effect (it is a listed side effect now) because I will likely have more. However, I talked to my rheumy about rituxin, and he is vehemently opposed to trying it with me. Since it is a 9 month infusion, he told me that if I have negative side effects, there is very little that can be done until it wears off. He is simply not comfortable with using it. I'm sure others may have had some success with it, though.
I have read that you want to be very cognizant of allergic reactions to it during the infusion, and shortly after. Some people get loaded up on benadryl, or the like, before the infusion. I wish you the best with it.