Well, what a journey it's been. Turns out my old rheumy was right. I have seronegative RA, my x rays finally showed early RA!! WTH??? After like 7 years. That was a good rheumatologist at Mayo clinic. He's retired now, I am sorry to hear. I'd like to go back but it's a 3.5 hour drive from where I live now. We moved from that area 2.5 years ago.
I am a little peeved b/c I had those x rays 4 months ago and nobody called me to tell me! I had a lip biopsy recently and that was positive for SJS. So I have both! Ugh! The rheumy here is the only one in town and it's a city of over 100k............... I saw the ARNP and she didn't even up my plaquenil. I am just on 200 mgs right now. Ugh..... I can tell they are slammed busy but someone should have called to tell me my x rays were positive for RA.