Posted 3/7/2016 7:05 AM (GMT 0)
Hi Tucker and welcome to HW. Those are really good questions you have. If your ANA is positive, it is indicating that you have autoimmune activity going on. I'm finding the sedrate is a strange indicator of inflammation. I had several sedrate tests lately and they were high normal. Yet the amount of inflammation I was experiencing during those tests has been from minimal to really bad, with sedrate number coming in exactly the same for each test. Maybe the meds mask the inflammation skewing the test.
I am currently on Enbril and have had to go off for short periods like you. It seems to have a cumulative effect and your body could tolerate being off for awhile. But I found that each day beyond a week or so, the RA symptoms slowly return.
With a positive ANA, it might not be the time to "test" for remission by going off your remicade.
As far as going back on it after a break, another good question. I had to recently stop my Enbril because I broke my wrist and needed surgery and had infection risk. Since then it seems effectiveness has worn off and I am returning to rheumy soon to see what's next.
I was on Humira 5 yrs back and it quit working under similar circumstances following surgery. Now I wonder if I can retry humira??
These drugs are so new that it's hard to find people who have first hand experience. Hope this helps,