Hi all, I've noticed most of the posts written are from a while back so I'm not too sure on how much of a response I'll get back but if anything I think I just need to vent.. I'm a 22 year old female and have just been diagnosed with sacroiliitis.. I have had back, hip and leg pain for a few years now and never really did anything about
it because I always had other health problems, I have stomach ulcers, I have had lumps in my breast which was a long grooling process before I found out it was benign, and I've also been dealing with food intolerances the last few years, so between trying to work out all these problems, work (I manage and work within a cleaning company) and study, I always just told myself "it's just a bad back, you'll be fine" but with pain getting worse and realizing that pain gets worse at night or in cold weather, I finally went and spoke to my doctor.. Now that we know what it is, I'm being sent for more X-rays and blood tests to work out the severity of it. She's also worried about
my neck but she didn't say too much about
it. So I've obviously been researching and reading everyone's stories.. And I'm going to be honest, I'm terrified. I'm in so much pain majority of the time and it's getting me so down.. I'm currently living with my boyfriend and my mum, and they're both so worried about
me that I find it hard to talk to them and tell them how I'm feeling, and I feel like my friends don't understand because they're in the party stage of their lives.. I guess I'm just sad that my body is doing this at only 22, I feel like I can't really catch a break. Anyway, heat packs and hot baths help with the pain but I can't really take many pain killers because they don't help with my ulcers. If anyone is reading this and can give me tips for pain relief or any sort of advice, it would be very much appreciated