Posted 9/13/2017 1:36 AM (GMT 0)
Hi all,
just wondering about a few things that have been going on the last few weeks, go to the rhuemy in a couple of weeks, but am curious if these are side effete of the mtx or the RA or something else.
Firstly about a month and a half ago on a hot might I woke up in the middle of the night with pins and needles in both hands and both feet, and my limbs felt heavy, for the next few days I had fairly constant mild pins and needles (was on vacation at the time, so not able to get to the doctor or rhuemy at that time. Since then I do have days where I get pins and needles in isolated places from time to time, normally for a few minutes at a time.
I have also noticed that when I am walking my hands a forearms seem to be swelling and they begin to ache. This never happened before. I have also had migraines a few times which I rarely get otherwise.
I have also had a days where I am light headed and a bit dizzy, and I have noticed that the base of my neck seems to feel swollen or buzzy at these times too ( I ws in a car accident 15 years ago where I got fairly severe whiplash which never really fully resolved to my satisfaction, so this could be related to that I suppose).
Really just putting this out there to see what people think, I will be bring these things up with the rhuemy. I am currently only on 12.5 mg of mtx.