I'm 34 and have been diagnosed with RA a year ago when my wife and I are planning on starting a family. I'm on methotrexate for over 6 months and my sperm count/quality has dropped significantly over the past year (there's no other plausible cause but the medication). My doctor has been coy about
this medication's impact on fertility and I didn't get a definitive answer. After searching online, I found some varying accounts of methotrexate from affecting sperm count to causing birth defect (can't believe that my doctor said it has no impact on fathering a child!). Now I've added adalimumab to my treatment and my doctor says I can half the dosage of methotrexate, but it looks like I cannot get rid of it anytime soon plus there doesn't seems to be sufficient evidence about
the impact of adalimumab too. I don't know what to do. Does anyone know anyone who has to deal with this situation?