Sorry, I haven't been around in awhile. I was in the hospital with a blood clot.
Thanks for replying to my question! Now let's see if I can answer your questions.
Yep, I'm in IL...hence the bears fan. Are you close by?
Yep, my Mom's rheumatologist is at a major teaching hospital.
Her rheumatologist & pulmonologist do communicate to some extent, but I know she wishes there was more communication between the 2 of them. The times they tend to talk most with each other is when my mom is hospitalized.
My Mom is 62.
She takes 200 mg of Imuran.
She is not on the highest possible dosages of all the medications. For example, she currently takes a very low dose of Prednisone because she just had cataract surgery done on both eyes within the past 6 weeks. (These meds. have some lovely side effects!)
Thanks for the help.
Hope you are doing well!