i've always had this theory on fatigue and pain: when we're fatigued we tend to not hold proper posture, we use our muscles incorrectly, shift our weight inbalanced...thus leading to more joint pain.
with RA there is a fatigue (a very unique fatigue) that comes along with it that is inevitable many times like Craig explained with the flu. and when we're exhausted...i think we tend to "notice" more achy and painful symptoms.
it's a viscous cycle needless to say.
for myself?...i'm in a lot of pain and therefor lose my appetite...and then i'm fatigued...the i'm too fatigued to eat...and i'm fatigued because i don't eat! it's a circle!!!
in addition: when in a flare whether it be Crohns, RA, fibro....increased joint pain will come as well as increased fatigue.
oh, and when you're overly tired...certain chemicals in the brain are more receptive to pain and pain sensations. which makes sense when we're sleep deprived, we tend to ache and be in more pain.
it all just adds up to being very vigilant of our bodies and really listening to it. if ya think about it...it's never wrong. erin VIEW IMAGE