okay, it is about 1 1/2 months ( actually i got the shot april 5th) since my hip shot of prednisone of 80 mgs in my left hip area muscle. NOW my hip hurts like mad. am i getting AVN? this just kinda sorts happened within this week,i noticed my left hip where it was injected hurts like a brat.
also on the same side of my lower leg near ankle ( just above ankle on left outside part of leg hurts also at the same time. now i dont know if this is my L5-S1 acting up, syatica or what.
all i know it is around where the injection site was and thaat was in my muscle on the left hip. it didnt hurt for the last month, not the injection site or my hips either of them now the left hurts.
sheesssh, i was doing alittle better now this and it hurts pretty good too.
i suppose no more predisnose for me.
can i get AVN after only one shot in the affected hip area?
is this possible after one shot?
i take celadrin to lower my cholestrol as it was 350 and is now 211 after being on this salmon oil for 2-3 months which it has never been 211 since i was 16.
i cant take statins as they give me that muscle problem so i tried the celadrin which seems to work for me.
i was reading thanks to ides the AVC link and it says a person should watch their cholestrol if they have a feeling they have AVN.
ouch is all i can say, i didnt have this before. i am going in for a full body bone scan next month. i have been putting this off b/c i want to see if anything will develop before i go for the test and have the doc tell me i am okay. so if i have this, it would show up i am assuming.
why would he order a body bone scan just after giving me a shot of pred. that would mask any inflammation i would assume that might ordinarily show up, so i wanted to wait for the shot to wear off before i went in for this. he thinks i am just procrastinating about having it done, when in reality i think it would show more if the shot wore off dont you guys think i am correct?
what is wrong with a rhuemy who would give a shot of pred into the hip area anyways? is this a normal place forthis kind of shot to go if there can be a risk of developing AVN?
he could have given it to me in my arm i would think to lessen the chances of me developing this.
am i right or just being overly paraniod as usual?