hey "el",
that's such a cool name. do you have an ELCAMINO car?
speaking of evil bloodletting, off to the docs office for bloodwork in a few minutes. luckily i'm able to walk pretty darn good today...so it'll be enjoyable.
yeah, just this past month the RA seems to have "shut up" LOL. the joint pain is still really bad, but at least i'm not bedridden & on strict bedrest anymore. it is still active and severe but in my book? that doesn't matter as long as i can go outside and walk some.
hey, did you ever get a colonoscopy? you've mentioned GI problems a lot. and if a person has RA or any AI disease, sometimes a thing like UC or Crohns can occur too. (unfortunatley i make a good example of that! LOL) for years i said, "well, at least i don't have any gut problems." the bowel Gods laughed i suppose.
so "el" i truly TRULY wish you a good combo of meds to get things in check. when you feel ok to write after your appointment let us know what happenned.
like Duck says, "I've got everything crossed for ya!"