Hey bloo -
I'm groovy, thanks for asking! Have been super busy with work and the kids lately, with them getting out of school next week, it seems like I'm doing more work now than before! Oh well, it will be over soon!
I think you've got a very positive outlook on things. You are doing what you need to do to take care of yourself and your son, and if that is moving home with mom and dad for a while, while you adjust to this disease, and get back on your feet... then so be it. It's better to do that, than to suffer and just make things worse on yourself and everyone else involved.
Yes, stress over emotional or financial matters can make everything worse and through you into a flare. I have and ex too, and lordy-be, does he make me mad... then I go into a flare and I'm miserable, which in turn makes me even more mad 'cause I let him get to me... It's a vicious cycle, but you've done well in identifying it early on, so you can try and control it when it does happen...
I am glad you are doing ok today... I hope you continue to keep a positive attitude with this, that is key, the minute you start thinking it's got the best of you, the disease wins, and we can't have that!
Hope you have a good day! Talk to you soon!