Yalinda, sorry to hear that your news wasn't so good. But perhaps it's not all that bad either. I have not had any lung problems at all, so I can't help you there. I think Erin does have lung issues, though. I'm sure she can answer your questions. As far as House is concerned, that is one interesting show--I love it! You might think by tonight's posts that I watch tv all of the time. Believe it or not I never watch tv, except for Idol, and occassionally House. Oh, and I can't ignore the preschool channel or animal planet. On Mother's day, I watched Most Extreme Animal countdown on Animal Planet with my girls. The most extreme mother was the sea louse. Apparently, the male sea louse captures all of the females he possibly can and keeps them captive the "Harem of Horror." He impregnates them, and as they gestate their babies, the babies eat the mother from the inside out. By the time babies are born, mother is no longer--no lie. My 3-year old daughters are looking aghast at me and asked me, "Mommy, what are they doing?" I explained that the babies were eating the mommy, and one of my daughters leaned over and kissed me and said, "Don't worry mommy, I won't eat you."
I caught House for the first time the night before a colonsocopy--it kept me laughing and got me through the prep. It hasn't been on consistently, though, I don't think, at least on Tuesday nights?
Yalinda, I just hijacked your post. I'm sorry; I'm in a very weird mood tonight. It must be the painkillers. I truly pray that the "dense" areas on your lung are either nothing, or the doctors quickly find out what they are and can adequately treat you.
Goodnight everyone,