hi everyone hope you are all doing well... seems my bloodwork from tuesday came up my potassium levels are very low so i have been put on a 7 day script
to increase them, but i also take triam HCTZ which my pharmasicist says sets off the alarms with a potassium script
. u c i take the triam because i have HBP. the pharmcist says the triam of HCTZ is suppose to be potasium "something" so i dont loose potassium and if it is too low or high i risk cardiac involvement. i actually had some sharp chest pains today and thought maybe i needed to burp? sorry
he reluctantly filled my script
stating i need to clarify with both my MDs my meds. when i spoke to my GP he didnt get any reports all month from my rhuemy. the pharmicistalso didnt really know if either prednisone or the methotrexate had effect on my potassuim? Nor did my doctor, and they said on the triam i should not have a problem.... but i do. i just know i am tired, confussed, and it seems like one thing after the other keeps happening.... what next? i know i shouldnt complain and i am not really..... just another bend in the road. i do have an appointment with the pulmonary doctor june 5th so i hope to get that resolved soon. well the good news is day three of only mild joint pain so something is working..... lata *~ yalinda