gosh this is awful. the whole point of this whole thing is TO AVOID GETTING INTO FLARES! yikes, i cannot believe a healthcare professional WANTING a person to go into a flare.
what i would do? the day where i feel absolutely horrid, get someone to take me to that doc office and be seen and or go to the ER where the doc attends and be seen there. if they want to "see" how bad you get...that should show them.
i hate hearing people get the run around & not being treated. i had the run around for 10 years and at 25 y/o am disabled due to untreated RA? no excuse for that. i wish i was older when this happenned for i would be wiser and put my foot down.
bloo, have you someone at home to help you? i know one time, a doc was giving me trouble and MY MOM CALLED!!!! ah, God hath no furey like a mother's scorn! LOL. but it worked...was seen that day.
bloo, in our prayers you are always.
i would call. and i would say, "I need you to hear me." sometimes if you mention how badly it is interfering with your career or work, they pay more attention (they don't want to start the whole SSI schmeal).
this is not an easy life.
with love,