geezz i am so sorry to learn ofthis there must be something someone can do....
i would keep on looking for doc to help you until i find someone...but if you live in fl, you probably wont find anyone good down here unless you go to dr jeffrey greenspoon in melbourne, fl, he is the best orthopod in quite possibly the usa, all he does is knees and wrsits and shoulders, and he works on pro-aletites...he did an op on my rotator cuff that is the only thing on me that doesnt hurt me b/c he did it right and it has been two yrs now and i have no pain in my shoudler now, my back is altogher another story but he doesnt do backs, if he did i would probbly be okay there also...good luck he is worth the trip believe me if anyone can help you he can, peeps on this site know me and how i rag on almost every doc, so if i say he is good ....take my word for it.... he is mcgill university trained in canada and been in business 20 odd years....he fixes other docs problems who leave behind messes on peeps...