To my knowledge, there isn't anyone on this forum that has ever taken remicade during pregnancy, but I do recall several people on the crohn's forum. One lady had two successful pregnancies while on remicade. I know for a fact that enbrel, another tnf-inhibitor, is a category b drug for pregnancy--safe, in other words. Not sure about remicade. The following website gives great information about drugs during pregnancy, and breastfeeding. There's not a whole of info. about remicade, though. Go with your GI and OB's opinions. You may note that according to the following website, remicade is a category C drug, and not recommended during pregnancy. However, I have met several women who have taken remicade during pregnancy--I believe cd is one of those conditions where the benefits outweigh the risks.
Camama is right about breastfeeding. I think it's wonderful that you want to breastfeed. If it doesn't work out, though, whether it's due to medication or other factors, don't beat yourself over it. Not worth it. I wanted to breastfeed my twin girls, and actually managed to last 6 weeks, but couldn't continue. Several friends made rather nasty comments to me; I had criticism coming from all directions. I had even read articles that not only quoted the benefits of breastfeeding over formula, but actually implied that if you don't breastfeed you are abusing your baby! It's largely a personal decision, and sometimes the decision is actually taken out of our hands. My girls spent their entire first year on formula. They are very healthy--rarely get sick--no allergies--no weird immune system function, or anything else people try to tell you when you don't breastfeed.
I honestly don't know about c-sections and the use of tnf-inhibitors. That sounds like it's just your doctor's theory, and she is basing it on only 3 patients? It may be what she's comfortable with, but if you're not comfortable with it consider finding a doctor who will allow you to try a natural delivery. C-sections aren't all that bad; because I had twins, I had my choice of a natural delivery or a c-section. I chose to try natural, and after 21 hours of labor, ended up with a c-section. Recovery time is slower, but I bounced back with no problems at all. If I ever had another baby (which I won't but that's another story), I would choose a c-section again.
Best of luck in whatever you decide to do.