hey mmorgan,
i'll just let you know...you will be very important to your hubby! and by you just being there, listening, being nonjudgemental, supportive will be the best help.
there's degenerative arthritis, like the ones that come with age. this type is typically benign & is caused by wear n' tear of cartiladge. autoimmune arthritis' like RA, PsA, lupus arthritis & crohns arthritis are of progressive types that need special medicines that alter the immune system. let us know what type your hubby was diagnosed with & what meds he's on if any yet.
self esteem could be a major problem. myself, i based a lot of my worth based on what i could "do". my identity was so much of what i did & what i was able to accomplish & how much i could do...as the disease i live with progressed to a disabling point, not being able to "do" was the hardest part.
write back when you can.