Hi Theresa, I"m sorry to hear this, but doctors have been wrong before. I know Erin or someone with more medical background will be along but I wanted to offer some suggestions. First off, don't get sad, get informed. Get some other opinions. Ask about TNF/biological medications - they help slow and sometimes stop the progression of arthritis. DMARDS (another medication) can slow the progression as well. You can find a list of all arthritis medications at the doctors office, maybe even here on HW or on the arthritis foundation website. Prednisone as a main medication, I feel, is bad news and you need to find something else to be on. Prednisone is great for a flare when you need fast relief, but if you can find something else to be on regularly - that is better since prednisone can brittle the bones. Sometimes, you have no choice to be on it, though.
See your dentinst about your jaw. Possibly you just have TMJ and that jaw stiffness can be helped by getting a night guard or bite plate. See an podietrist about your feet......when you are pain, you adjust your walking thusly ruining your feet mechanics. A good orthodic can help your feet, knees, hips...etc. They are worth the money!
Stretch daily, eat well, and take your vitamins (make sure you get enough calcium - foods like chicken actually deplete the calcium in your body.)
I don't know if ANY of this will do anything - but it certainly can't hurt, it may help you feel better in the long run, and at least you know you did your best to prove those doctors wrong and help yourself from being in excessive pain. <<<<BIG HUGS>>>> Take care. ***