So, I had my tibia fused to the top of my talus on October 13th! I'm still in a cast, but hope to get it off November 14th and then wear the boot for a while. I know, no weight-bearing for 10-12 weeks, but I really hope I get this cast off so I can shave my leg!
Anyway, my question is...
Who's had this surgery, and what can you tell me about your recovery and range of motion now. I had my shin fused to the top of my talus, not a sub-talar fusion, so I hope to hear from folks with the same surgery.
I had a car accident 2 years ago, no insurance, so I got real bad care and think that has a little bit to do with why I'm having such problems now. I've had 4 surgeries in the past 2 years, and it's sucked big time.
E in Austin