Hi Erin, You are so funny! I started on the .75 imuran in 2003 during an emergency resection.
I have had many issues during this decade. I would love to reduce it, but, when something is working I hate to change it. I actually take 1 pill daily .50 & then 2 the next. My doc told me to do it that way so I didn't have to break the pills in 1/2 for the .75 daily. I initially started on .25 in 2000 when I was battling an abcess that became my worst nightmare. Imuran is the only "real" med I take for the CD, of course I take supplements too. I can't believe all the extra complications these CD has. Right now I have an appt for the rheumatologist dec 4. I was suppose to go last Wed but it was cx. I was very disappointed, I'm having so much joint pain. It used to just be my lower back, now b hips, entire back/neck, r wrist & b feet. Last year tests showed I did not have RA, but, OA in the hips with a buldging disk. Do you think this increase in joint pain is normal or could i have developed RA? I don't think I am immune to the amount of vicodin, just that more joints are being affected. Sounds like you have your hands full with you health too. God Bless, remember, "Keep the Faith", & "Have a Nice"!