Have you ever heard of a sinus infection setting off your artritis? Well, the pain finally just drove me to the ER and they admitted me. Seems I had a raging sinus infection and didn't even know it. But my neck felt like it was breaking and I had a bad headache. While I was there they put me on morphine pump, fentanyl patch, solu-medrol and tramadol iv. Holy cow. And Levaquin and reglan and goodness knows what else. I had a very busy IV, I tell you. Got sent home with Avalox and my normal pain regimen. They took a bunch of blood to send to Des Moines for testing. Dr seems more interested in getting to the bottom of what's ailing me now. Oh boy. The levaquin has set off the trots and nausea again, but just for 4 more days. I'm getting some yogurt today for that. I miss the normal poopoos I was having there for a bit! Never underestimate the joy of having solid turds!
Oh, and once the sinus infection clears up, doc is sending mr to an EENT spec for surgery to 'open things up' with some king of surgery. Hope it's just lasers!
Oh boy.