Hi Nana
It can take quite some time depending on the individual as to when MTX & plaq will reach it's peak effectiveness.
Personally, you say you're at the 4month point w/ MTX...to me that sounds just about right when you should start to feel some noticeable differences since starting MTX & plaq. Pain, swelling, stiffness should lessen at least a little bit.
4-6months...if you aren't feeling any difference than it's time to speak up to your rheummy.
After 6 months on each med, 1 of the two meds may be tweaked by your doc if needed.
Since you're only just starting plaquenil...perhaps you'll see a bigger difference in the next month or two.
There's many lovely people who are taking plaq for their arthritis...I'm sure some will be along shortly.
welcome to Healing Well & it was nice to meet you!