Hiya momto and am really sorry to hear about the boil coming to his head and the implications for your kids. Although it is difficult under the circumstances it is now very important that you stay focussed and as calm as possible. by walking out to his dad's, your biggest 'kid' may be doing you a favour in giving you time and space to sort things out in your own mind and it will give your kids the oppportunity to see just what a great parent you are. If you focus on the 'mess' element it could become a reality. It's a very sad situation that your husband, seeing that his wife is in pysical and maybe psychological torment, and that his kids are feeling the heat of a relationship imploding, does what so many have before him. Run away painting 'it's all your fault' on the sidewalk as he goes. You have not become a bad person overnight and guilt is such a powerful negative emotion that it can easily carry you down to the crape house where it belongs. But only if you let it moma.
Use the extra space to plan your way out and include the kids in the plans - family meeting type of thing - and remember the place to vent your anger and frustration is here with and on us [I'm sure I speak for all of us here on the thread, sorry folks] where it is safe to. You still have to be mom to the kids regardless. You may think that youa re down among the swampmen but from here on in the only way is up. Hang in there, support your kids and keep talking to us.
How's hubby Ducky? How long is his tour? You're keeping the post man busy since he went.
Yally - whatever happened to hitch hiking? Students FLYING? They'll be having their own cars next!! Whadddya mean, they already do? Where do they afford it all?
Boo, hop on a plane to wherever Momto3 and give a hand there - you have my permission to use unrestrained violence on the melon!!!
Erin - how is the elf today and have you managed to get
any sleep? I empathise with you as I am only getting three/four hours myelf but not because of pain like you - I just can't ssleep on my back and it is still too uncomfortable to sleep on my side. It's all taking much longer than I seem to remember it doing so last time.
Elcamino, good to hear from you again hadn't read you for quite a time.
Camama - how is the work going? I was going to advise you but the words of my boss rang true - "dress is smart casual, the bear wears a tie and suit!!" It appears that I have no concept of what constitutes 'smart casual' - aparently I look like a hobo when I 'do' smart casual. Esential to have comfy feet though. Because I can't reach to tie my laces I am wearing crocs and very comfy they are indeed and they just slide on and off.
Hi Babyspace. How is Batman? Babybloo - where are you?
Finally Raven: you may be wondering why you ever looked in on the casting couch for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest that is the Moanin' thread but this is the land of the great and good only the names have been changed to protect the guilty!!!! [just the facts ma'm]. Welcome and Rock on Tommy!!!
It's Friday tomorrow and the weekend starts there and youo never know, it might be a whole new day dawning.
Stay well peeps.
The Bear